Dining Out
“HINTS TO HELP WHEN YOU ARE EATING OUT”- Look up nutrition info online – plan what you want before you get there
- Order first – avoid peer pressure
- Don’t go too hungry
- Consider an appetizer+ salad versus ordering an entrée
- Eat fruit or yogurt before you go
- Bring food that you can eat
- Order an extra veggie – skip the starch
- Read your goals/cards before you leave
- Wear tighter clothing
- Dilute alcohol or enjoy non-caloric and non-alcoholic drink after the first drink or intersperse one alcoholic drink, one non, etc.
- Pass on the bread – ask them to remove it from the table
- Ask for low fat, low calorie alternatives whenever you can
- Dressings and sauces on the side; dip with your fork
- Think of food for optimal health
- Focus on the company and conversation
diamondnutritioncounseling.com The Nutrition Counseling Specialists